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15th International Conference on Plant Genomics, will be organized around the theme “The New Horizons of Challenges and Innovations in Plant Science”

Plant Genomics 2022 is comprised of 25 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Plant Genomics 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

The complex and different responses of plants to nanoparticles, the signal transduction mechanisms involved, and the regulation of DNA expression. Nanoparticles have received much response because of the unique physio-chemical properties of these compounds. Nanotechnology also play an important role in agriculture as compound fertilizers and minute-pesticides, acting as chemical delivery agents that target molecules to specific cellular organelles in plants.

Future improvements of crop plants will benefit from the isolation and characterization of genes that underlie both simply-inherited and polygenic ally-controlled traits. The molecular isolation of economically important plant genes has been facilitated by the construction and application of genetic maps, transposon-based gene tagging, protein-protein interaction cloning, and the development and analysis of large collections of DNA sequences.

A number of epigenetic phenomena were discovered in plants, but are not limited to plants. For instance, paramutation describes the heritable change in expression status of an allele upon its exposure to an allele that has the same sequence but displays a different expression status.  Plant biology has made to the discovery and study of epigenetic phenomena, plants provide ideal systems for epigenomics research. Epigenomic modifications alter gene expression without changing the letters of the DNA alphabet (A-T-C-G), providing cells with an additional tool to fine-tune how genes control the cellular machinery. By understanding epigenomic alterations in plants, scientists may be able to manipulate them for various purposes, including biofuels and creating crops that can withstand stressful events such as drought some of societies associated with Plant Epigenetics include.

Seed genomics, from fundamental seed science to handy applications in harvest science, gives a careful foundation comprehension of seed science from an essential science viewpoint. The field to cover three general subjects genomic ways to deal with considering seeds, genomic examination of fundamental seed science, and product seed genomics. From essential seed science to down to earth applications in product science, gives a careful foundation comprehension of seed science from a fundamental science point of view.

Plant physiology is a sub discipline of plant science worried with the working, or physiology, of plants. Closely related fields incorporate plant morphology (structure of plants), plant nature (associations with the earth), phytochemistry (organic chemistry of plants), cell science, hereditary qualities, biophysics and atomic science. Central procedures, photosynthesis, breath, plant sustenance, plant hormone capacities, tropisms, nastic developments, photoperiodism, photo morphogenesis, circadian rhythms, natural push physiology, seed germination, torpidity and stomata capacity and transpiration, both parts of plant water relations, are concentrated on by plant physiologists.

Plant viruses are wide spread and economically important plant pathogens. The morphology, genome structure, reproduction strategy of different types of plant viruses, which together form the basis of virus classification. Plant viruses consist of a nucleoprotein in that multiplies only in the living cells of a host .The presence of viruses in host cells often results in disease,400 or more viruses are known to attack plants .Viruses are generally specific ,what infects aqueous plant does not cause disease in animal.

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Plant Genomics is the part of molecular biology working with the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of genomes in plants. Genomics is the study of genes, their expression and their activities, the role played in biology. Genomics is a branch of genetics that is concerned with the sequencing and analysis of organism's genome. Genomics aids us in maintaining the large number of database that assists us to study genetic variation.

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The vast quantities of diverse biological data generated by recent biotechnological advances have led to the development and evolution of the field of bioinformatics. This relatively new field facilitates both the analysis of genomic and postgenomic data and the integration of information from the related fields of transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and phenomics. Such integration enables the identification of genes and gene products, and can elucidate the functional relationships between genotype and observed phenotype, thereby permitting a system-wide analysis from genome to phenome.

Plant nutrition is ultimately an applied subject that seeks to understand the processes and mechanisms that underpin the uptake, assimilation and internal redistribution of nutrients by plants and then to use this information to improve the yield or quality of harvested plant parts, be they grains, storage roots or leafy vegetables. The subject now also encompasses the understanding of the responses of plants to nutrient toxicities as well as new topics such as metal ‘hyper accumulation’ and its exploitation in soil decontamination.

Plants undergo continuous exposure to various biotic and abiotic stresses in their natural environment. To survive under such conditions, plants exhibit stress tolerance or stress avoidance through acclimation and adaptation mechanisms that ultimately re-establish cellular and organismal homeostasis or reduce episodic shock effects. These abilities involve intricate and complex mechanisms of perception, transduction, and transmission of stress stimuli, allowing optimal response to environmental conditions. The perception of stimuli and their expansion in cells involves signaling molecules such as intracellular calcium and reactive oxygen species, which intensify the action of particular signaling pathways.

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Plant breeding is simple: cross the best parents, and identify and recover progeny that outperform the parents. In practice, plant breeding is a three step process, wherein populations or germplasm collections with useful genetic variation are created or assembled, individuals with superior phenotypes are identified, and improved cultivars are developed from selected individuals. A wide diversity of approaches, tailored to the crop species and breeding objectives, have been developed for improving cultivars these breeding methods feature different types of populations, selection procedures, and outcomes.

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Plant Reproduction is the creation of new individuals or offspring in plants, which can be refined by sexual or abiogenetic proliferation. Sexual reproduction produces posterity by the combination of gametes, bringing about posterity hereditarily not quite the same as the guardian or folks. Abiogenetic generation delivers new offspring’s without the combination of gametes, hereditarily indistinguishable to the guardian plants and one another, aside from when changes happen. In seed plants, the offspring can be bundled in a defensive seed, which is utilized as an source of dispersal.

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Botany is the science of plant life and a branch of biology that deals with the study of plants. Plants are a wide range of living organisms from the tiniest organisms to the mammoth living organisms. In general terms plants include algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. Botany is the scientific discipline that works on observation, experimentation, recording, classification, and the testing of hypotheses, in a methodological manner.

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Comparison of the order of blocks within the different cereal chromosomes revealed that each cereal genome can be derived from the cleavage of a single structure, a hypothetical ‘ancestral’ genome, from which the genomes of present day cereals and grasses have evolved. The rice genome is one of the smallest among the cereals and grasses, and in 1995, we demonstrated that rice could be a model for cereals based on this ‘synteny’ because its genome can be divided into groups of genes - a series of genomic building blocks - from which the other larger cereal genomes can be constructed. The genome analysis will also help in our efforts for improvement of staple foods for yield and quality, which is a continuous process because neither the conditions of cultivation nor the genomes have to be targeted to the need of adaptations to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses. Functional food components vary across the cereal crops and within different tissues of grain. 

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Plant Sciences is the study of plant growth, reproduction, evolution, and adaptation, as well as the use of plants for food, fiber, and ornamental purposes. While students majoring in Plant Sciences necessarily share a common enthusiasm for plants, the variety of available courses and research opportunities encourages a great diversity of individual interests and career paths. Plant Sciences students gain the expertise necessary to advance research in and address many local, regional, and global challenges.

Plant Proteomics is concerned with the entire complement of proteins of plants including the modifications made to a particular set of proteins. Proteomics is an in depth study of a specific proteome, including information on protein and its modifications and variations. Proteomics works with the interacting partners and members associated with it in a sequential network.

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Plant tissue culture is the growth of plant cells outermost an intact plant. It depends on maintaining plant tissue in lab conditions on a suitable nutrient medium. The culture can be sustained as a mass of undifferentiated cells for a broad area for a period of time, or regenerated into whole plants. The dissimilar techniques used in plant tissue culture. Plant tissue culture is mostly used to produce clones of a plant in a method known as micro-propagation with different stages. Plant Biotechnology is prominent in the field of medicine interfacing biotechnology and bioinformatics, the molecular characterization of medicinal plants; molecular farming; and result from chemistry, nanotechnology, pharmacology, agriculture, Biomass and biofuels as well. Plant Biotechnology is the technology which is used for getting modern product with high yield and at faster rate. 

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Agricultural Science is a broad multidisciplinary field of sciences that consists of the parts of precise, natural, and social sciences that are utilized in the practice and understanding of agriculture agronomy is research and development related to studying and improving plant-based crops.

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